efficient practice

5 Ways to Make Your Medical Practice More Efficient

June 16, 2021 For Dentists, For Doctors

An efficient medical practice is good for your bottom line – and for the patient experience. By rethinking your processes, you can streamline administrative tasks, improve how people move around the clinic, and maximize your time with patients.

Here are some ways you can make your medical practice more efficient.

Get Paperwork Done in Advance

Rather than having new patients fill out lengthy intake forms when they arrive for their first appointment, send out those forms ahead of time so that they can be processed in batches or during moments of downtime. Collect and verify insurance and payment information in advance to avoid having to do this while the patient is on-site. Review your processes to make sure that patients and admin staff aren’t doubling up on paperwork or data collection tasks and have someone supervise staff to ensure that all essential admin tasks have been completed by the end of the day.

Embrace the Digital

Larger clinics typically have options for patients to register, pay and book appointments online. This is a major draw for patients and a time-saving endeavor for clinics, especially in post-COVID times. However, smaller clinics can embrace the convenience of digital without spending a fortune on expensive e-Portals and state-of-the-art technology. Simple calendar tools can make booking a breeze, and text message alert systems allow you to automatically send appointment reminders.

Additionally, if you haven’t switched to an electronic health record (EHR), now is the time. EHRs gather all of your patient, billing, and lab data all in one place, reducing time spent on paperwork and minimizing admin and billing errors.

Schedule Regular Team Meetings

Collaboration leads to coordination – and heightened efficiency. Schedule regular (brief) meetings to ensure that staff is all on the same page about systems and processes and that any issues are dealt with promptly. Providing space for staff to discuss plans, goals, and challenges allows you to easily identify problems and solutions, promoting an atmosphere of continuous improvement. Eliminating inefficient processes is just as important as implementing efficient ones.

Implement Checklists and To-Do Signals

Holding “to-do” items in your head is a recipe for miscommunication and inefficiency. Create and post checklists for staff to fill out during the day and develop easy-to-read signs and signals that a task needs to be completed. A post-it note or rubber band on a cupboard is an easy sign it needs to be restocked, for example. Combining these signals with checklists helps ensure that tasks are being completed in a timely manner with minimal supervision.

Rethink Your Practice Design

The design and layout of your practice itself can exacerbate inefficiencies. By reviewing traffic flows and patient journeys, you can reduce bottlenecks and time spent gathering paperwork, equipment, or supplies. Install signage that shows patients where to go to minimize confusion and reduce the need of staff to give directions. Allow virtual or telephone check-ins and direct patients directly to a consulting room rather than having them wait. Assign physicians to a particular group of rooms and keep computer stations and equipment nearby to reduce travel time and cross-traffic.

At Gittleson Zuppas, we understand the importance of an efficiently run medical practice. With decades of experience in healthcare real estate, we’re well-versed in helping healthcare practitioners find clinical spaces that promote efficient, high-quality care outcomes. Whether you’re looking to expand, move or open a new clinic, we can connect you with a property that will do right by your staff, patients – and your bottom line. For more information, get in touch!