How to Reduce Patient No-Shows

How to Reduce Patient No-Shows

September 18, 2023 For Dentists, For Doctors

Missed appointments are a source of friction for any healthcare provider. They not only result in lost revenue but also affect practice workflows and scheduling. One study found that the average no-show costs a practice $200 – which adds up to more than $150 billion a year! If patient no-shows are an issue with your practice, here are our top ways to ensure that patients show up for their appointments.

Send Automated Reminders

Automated reminders about upcoming appointments are a simple, cost-effective way to minimize no-shows. Send out a reminder a week or so before the appointment with address information and any essential instructions, and provide patients with an option to confirm or reschedule their appointment. Send another reminder a day before the appointment and even the day of. This will help you plan your calendar and bump up waitlist patients or attend walk-ins if needed. Try to use multiple contact methods – web portal, text, or phone – to ensure that your reminders are being received. Have your team follow up with patients who haven’t confirmed their appointment, just in case.

Have a Cancellation Policy

A series of no-shows can throw off your schedule, not just on the day but when it comes to rescheduling the patient in question. Create a cancellation policy that works for both you and your patients – for example, cancellations must be required more than 48 hours before an appointment, with payment due for last-minute no-shows. For involved procedures such as elective surgeries, ensure that the patient understands their liability in terms of facility or anesthesia costs and that they may be on the hook for these if they cancel without appropriate notice. Take note of patients who are habitually late or who have missed appointments and have a policy regarding when to remove them from your patient roster.

Allow Patients to Pre-Pay

Prior payment is a good incentive for patients to show up on the day. Depending on the kinds of services you provide, you may be able to have patients pay in full at the time of booking, or you may be able to take a partial payment up front, with the remainder due on the day or billed to the patient’s account. Explore loyalty or rewards programs for those who pre-pay to encourage them to keep coming back.

Have a Waitlist Ready

A robust waitlist can help fill those “no-show” gaps. If someone requests to reschedule or cancel after receiving your automated reminder, start tapping into your waitlist to see whether anyone is available to fill the appointment. When booking appointments, ask patients whether they’d be interested in an earlier appointment if one becomes available. Design your waitlist based on typical no-show results for your practice or field, and make sure that it serves your patients as well. People left waiting too long may just opt out altogether.

Don’t Book Too Far Out

The sooner you can book a patient, the more likely it is that they’ll show up. Patients who have to wait months for an appointment may forget about their commitment, may experience changes in their schedule that conflict with their appointment time, or might simply book with another provider. Allow some room in your schedule for urgent cases, or plan so that certain days are for consultations and others are for procedures. If your practice does a lot of annual visits, work to build strong relationships with your patients and stay in touch throughout the year so that they’re less likely to become a no-show.

Make Your Practice Inviting

Designing a positive practice experience can reduce the risk of no-shows. Choose an attractive, well-lit space in a conveniently located area with plenty to recommend it. Offering a variety of complementary services that encourage patients to stop by on a regular basis can also help you build a stronger rapport with your patients and reduce the likelihood of no-shows. If you’re looking for a space that will foster a positive patient experience and encourage patients to show up, talk to the team at Gittleson Zuppas Medical Realty! No matter your specialization or patient mix, we can connect you with the ideal space for your medical practice.